Report by: Aidan Bishop
RD 5 Innerleithen, Scotland
20th & 21st September 2008

The final round of the 2008 NPS series was supposed to be held at a new
venue at Carlton Bank in the north of England, but what with copious amounts
of rain of late many parts of the UK were hit with flooding or very wet
grounds. Two weeks before the event at Carlton Bank, the field that was
to hold the arena and parking was flooded and so the decision was made
to move the race to Innerleithen, the second time it would hold a round
of the national series.
Myself and Gummy travelled up Friday night to find the field normally
used for camping and parking was also very wet and so couldn’t be
used for parking…typical! Fortunately the event was a success due
to the weather being pretty nice all weekend and the venue being a good
course no matter what the weather does.
Gummy wasn’t racing due to his knee still healing up and racing
may have put his repair back some time. I was representing the team in
the master’s category and was keen to see if I could still hold
my own at national level.
Saturday and practice was delayed a little due to marshals not turning
up when they said they would, luckily Gummy decided to help out with the
others so the riding could get underway…what a hero!! The course
used was apparently established and took the form of what is labelled
the gold course. It used what I would call the old top section, taking
you through the quarry jump into a dark tunnel of trees, reminiscent of
racing ten years ago…just on better bikes! It then was a tight and
twisty affair to the bottom really, which I thought would suit me and
so was quite looking forward to riding.
Practice went pretty well, building my speed and confidence with each
run, it’s just a shame you have to ride 2 miles along undulating
road to get to the uplift!
Saturday afternoon and it was time for seeding runs that would place everyone
for Sundays race. The run went pretty well, no big mistakes, I kept it
steady not wanting to crash or push myself too hard. Crossing the line
and I took the hot seat by 4 seconds, I was happy with that! I ended up
3rd after everyone had come down, 4 seconds off 1st and 2 seconds off
of 2nd with a time that would have put me in the top 20 in elite and just
out the top ten in experts!! I was chuffed with that, it showed I hadn’t
lost too much speed because of the time off my Socom this year.
Saturday night and I got started on the Budweiser early and it tasted
good! I was up for a few beers and fish and chips then chilling out…Gummy
however didn’t seem to want go back and kept saying ‘just
one more’, I know I should have been responsible and gone back but
as it turned out neither of us remember too much from the rest of the
evening, Gummy was seen walking to Peebles! And I woke up at 6am in a
church car park!!
The Sunday was a mission to get up the hill to practice. I managed two
runs, the first was dizzy, the second and improvement but tiredness was
taking its toll on me.
Race runs came around and I was feeling more human, we all got to the
top and found racing hadn’t started yet, we faced an hour wait until
action time….great!
It was finally time to line up for the race. I watched the field set off;
I was second from last to go due to seeding results, so I tried to get
psyched up for it. My time came and I set off, it started well the run
was good in places but average in others then near the bottom I hit a
tree which nearly took me off but I managed to ride it out with not too
much time lost and crossed the line. My time was a over a second quicker
then my seeding run so that was positive, however everyone was taking
lots of time off of their seeding times and so I eventually finished 7th…not
The race was won by Mark Milllward followed by Sion Jones the Andrew Buddin.
Good race fellas, Millward especially appears to be the name to watch
for next year, winning lots this his first year!! I believe he has switched
from motocross, and successfully so, definitely the man to beat next season.
Overall I enjoyed riding and racing again on my Socom, the weather held
good and I saw some faces I hadn’t seen in a while. With hindsight
I should of got more sleep, I then may have ridden better, but I am content
with my result, I know there were places I could have put more effort
in but didn’t, a second run would have been great but nationals
are a one run deal so no excuses.
We’ll have to see who’s racing what next year and report back
with better news next time..see you then!!