There were a few riders
missing notably Ian White (2nd in series) who had broken his ribs,
and nemesis Si Paton who had broken his toe…..could this
be my day…..doubt it because Colin Williams is still alive
and racing together with John Finney & Scott Tankard who both
decided to turn up after time off from injuries…..BUGGER!
Practice went very
well and the confidence was high and the conditions were very
dry, the top section is perfect for me, open rough and baaarp
baaaarp! I managed 4 practice runs and just as I crossed the line
the rain came down. Typical, every rider has got it clear in his
head the speeds and risks to take then it rains and no-one knows
how that has effected the track until they hit it in their race
run…..still it’s the same for everyone.
There was a short delay
due to a very young rider being airlifted to hospital, unfortunately
this was his first ever DH race….get well soon fella. The
rain abated and it was time for the Masters category to go off,
the track had dried considerably only leaving the grassy field
an area for a little caution, I was off 3rd from last given that
I was 3rd in the Series so far. I nailed the top section but showed
some respect to the woods as previous races have shown that the
woods in Bala can be pretty unrideable, TOO SLOW YOU PUFF…..this
is what I kept shouting in my head as all of the woods were completely

The only mistake on
the run was exiting the woods taking the wide slow slippy line
due to an unexpected unclip the corner before, this probably only
lost me 2 seconds, I crossed the line in 3rd with a time of 3:17
which I was pretty pleased about to be perfectly honest. First
place was only 3 seconds off and 2nd was 1 second……things
were looking good!
As the afternoon went
on the weather got better and the track was fully dry for the
2nd runs, I decided on a gun ho approach to this run and set about
scaring myself to death with some do or die moves in the open
section, I was going great guns until I came to my first and only
minor error…..I got very very sideways (Carmichael style)
off the big drop and shot off to the left on landing as I tried
to steady the ship, I thumped into the embankment which kept me
on the course and rode over some rough stuff to get back on line.
The rest of the course
was properly nailed and clean, I crossed the line in 3rd with
only 2 riders to go with a time of 3:08 taking 9 seconds off my
first run time, I was very happy with myself as bar a small error
costing around a second or so, I had a pretty clean and fast run.
Then I was given a taste for how close racing DH is nowadays,
I ended up 5th only half a second behind 4th and point 2 of a
second behind 3rd…… rub salt into the wounds the
eventual winner series leader Colin Williams, only beat me by
2.8 seconds with 3:05.
1st Colin Williams Yeti/Electric Visual 3:05.909
2nd Scott Tankard Hotlines 3:07.951
3rd John Finney John Finney Racing 3:08.212
4th Keith Clarke Rave Racing 3:08.571
5th Craig Bromley 3:08.717
DH racing is full
of what if’s so won’t indulge myself as every other
rider could also draw up a list, all I can say is that I felt
I’d done my best and was pleased with my performance against
riders that had all Saturday at it as well. How does this effect
my 3rd place in the Series, not sure but I think some of the riders
that beat me are not yet in the running so I may move to 2nd.
Next round is Caersws
on the newly revamped NPS course, most of the silly jumps have
been removed and some sensible tabletops have been made. Until
then…..goodbye and take care.